Warming up before dance is just like suiting up before doing super hero :D
After you warm up, your body will be fully equipped with all the best armour (aka your strong body parts) so that you can dance your heart out with many dance practices later on.
Before now, I learnt from my seniors of my last crew, from some of the workshops, from some online sessions, etc to create an exciting work out routine for myself. Then, I was taught more professionally by my leader of The Chiefency to make a more scientifically efficient warm up routine for all kinds of dance practice. This routine include 3 main points:
Really warm up yourself by working out or freestyling with basic movements so that blood will be pumped so quickly and thoroughly across your body
Rotate all your knuckles so that they will be loosened up and ready for all types of movement
Stretch everything possible so your muscles are lengthened and easier to move around. After this you should cool down by retracting your muscles and knuckles so that nothing will be harmed.
Yeah, that’s all. You can create your own warm up routine by remembering all those 3 key elements needed. Don’t skip this, for it will support you so much to dance continuously without any tiredness.
Just like superman, don’t forget to suit up to defeat all the bad guys easily.